Varifocal lenses, also known as progressive lenses, are eyeglasses with multiple focal points that allow you to see clearly at all distances. If you’ve ever worn glasses, you know how uncomfortable it can be to switch between two pairs of glasses for different tasks.

With varifocals, you get one pair of glasses with a seamless transition from distance to close-up vision. This post will dive into the details of how varifocal lenses work, the ease of adapting to them, and tips for adjusting quickly.

How Do Varifocal Lenses Work?

Varifocals are unique in that they are designed with multiple corrective lens powers in each lens so that you can experience clear vision at all distances without having to switch between two or more pairs of glasses.

These lenses contain three distinct zones – a near zone for reading and computer work, an intermediate zone for using smartphones or working on a laptop keyboard, and a distance zone for driving or watching TV.

As you move your eyes up or down while wearing the glasses, the lens adjusts accordingly so that you can clearly see objects at different distances. This will also allow you to easily switch between near and far vision without any noticeable change in image clarity. The strength of the power in these zones varies depending on your prescription and needs.

Are Varifocal Glasses Easy to Get Used To?

This question is highly individualized – everyone adjusts differently when switching from single-vision lenses to varifocals; for some people, the adjustment period may be relatively short and painless, while others may need more time to get used to their new glasses.

Some common issues that people face when adjusting to varifocal lenses include:

  • A noticeable distortion or “swim effect” in the peripheral vision
  • Difficulty adjusting to the change in prescription in the transition area of the lens
  • An adjustment period for the eyes to coordinate with the new lens prescription

Also, it is not uncommon for wearers to experience dizziness or headaches when using varifocals for the first few weeks or even months after purchase. However, these issues are temporary and will generally subside once your eyes become accustomed to them.

It’s important to remember that these types of lenses are much more powerful than regular glasses and require some getting used to.

How Long Will Adjusting to Varifocal Lenses Take?

The amount of time it takes for someone to adjust to their new varifocals depends largely on how well they adapt visually.

Generally speaking though, most people take anywhere from five days up to two weeks before they feel comfortable with their new glasses. It is important to remember that your eyes need time to adjust, and every person’s adjustment period is different—don’t get discouraged if it takes longer than expected.

During this time, it is important not only to give your eyes time but also to pay attention to any potential dizziness or headaches associated with the change in prescription strength and frame shape, as these could be indicators that something isn’t quite right.

However, there are a few things that you can do during this period however, such as avoiding sudden movements while looking through your lenses and taking time each day just focus on different objects around you at different distances. This will help speed up the adjustment process and make it easier for your eyesight to get used to its new environment.

Tips For Adjusting Quickly With Varifocals Lenses

If you’re just starting to wear varifocal lenses, here are more tips to help you adjust more quickly:

  • Start by wearing your new glasses for short periods at first (about 30 minutes) and gradually increase the amount of time throughout the week until you reach a full day’s worth       
  • When looking at objects up close (like when reading), make sure your head is tilted slightly forward so that you are taking advantage of the near zone
  • When looking at objects far away (like when looking out a window), make sure your head is tilted slightly back so that you are taking advantage of the distance zone 
  • Practice focusing between near and far distances often during each day in order to help retrain your eyes
  • Don’t forget about your peripheral vision – when changing focal points, try not to move just your eyes but rather move both your head and eyes together
  • Avoid sudden movements when looking through your lenses. This will help prevent eye strain by allowing your eyes more time to adjust between focuses
  • Spend some extra time each day just looking at various objects around you at various distances so that your eyes can get used to shifting between focuses more quickly
  • If you’re still having trouble adjusting after a few weeks or months of trying, don’t hesitate to speak with an optician about possible solutions or if there are any additional tips they can provide specific to the type/model of varifocal lens prescribed specifically for you

Find The Perfect Pair Of Varifocal Glasses To Meet Your Needs

Wearing varifocal lenses can be intimidating as it requires retraining our eyes after years of being accustomed to wearing single-vision contact lenses or eyeglasses. This process may seem overwhelming at first however, patience and practice go a long way. Although adjusting can take time, once you do get used to wearing varifocal lenses, they can help improve overall visual clarity and make everyday activities easier!

If you’re considering making the switch but aren’t sure if they’re right for you, then contact Reglaze 4 U today at 0161 511 2461 or email us at  – our team of experts can help and guide you through selecting and adjusting with varifocal lenses. We’ll be happy to assist/answer any questions or concerns regarding varifocal glasses!